

Monday, March 13, 2017



Many of us have a habit of learning from anything or any incident happening around us. I believe that at least some of those people, who have this habit, must have learned something from their profession as well. In a similar way, I have also learned something from my profession; something very basic to our profession.

The thing that I have learned from being a software engineer is the value of process; the value of providing correct inputs to get correct and appropriate output. We, being software engineers, know that if the process or the system is designed correctly then there are very less chances of having bugs.
So today, I am going to talk about a bug, a defect; a severe defect in our system that we all must have observed at some point of time.

I have two questions for you:

     1)  How many of you have faced that feeling which comes when a person with government job or any of your relatives point out that you are just doing a private job and it is not as worth as a government job?
-          I think many of us have faced it.

2  2) How many of you have experienced the actual miserable life which is mostly being rumored about software engineers, which includes staying late in the night, working sluggishly with no output etc.
-          Again, many of us.

So my point is, can’t we, being software engineers, being the ones who develop and correct complex processes, fix that bug in the system which has caused these problems?

Yes, we can. And in fact we are the only ones who can solve these problems because we are the ones who have introduced them.

Some of you may not agree to what I just said but I can prove that we have caused these problems and we can solve them.
a.       Problem 1: Overburden of work
 I know there are people who are actually over burdened. But we all know that the percentage of overburdened people is not more that 30% and we use this 30% to generalize industries’ work culture. I have seen rest 70% doing the usual 8-9 hours WHICH INCLUDES lunch, snacks, tea, coffee etc etc etc etccc; still they behave like they are being put to the worst working conditions. Many of them actually have TIME MANAGEMENT problem. I am not saying 8-9 hours is less but it’s just fine. The problem is we compare it with govt job. Although, we know that THEIR behavior (slacker, shirker) is wrong but still we don’t want to correct THEM, instead we want to be like them.
Saying about the actual 30% overburdened, the problem is with upper management. They create problems with incorrect estimates, improper management of resources etc. They need to show empathy for employees. We are working to live, not living to work. They can correct that problem. They can fix that bug.

b.      Problem 2: Crying about having no work
Did you see the irony? We cry for having more work and we cry for having no work. So basically, sometimes we just want to cry, whatever be the reason. So it’s more of a habit than a reason. So sometimes we should actually identify that we are crying for a real reason or fake one. It’s again a question of time management. During less work, time can be utilized in learning new technologies or other important work.

c.       Problem 3: Crying for salary.
This is a relative problem. It varies from technology to technology, company to company, with person’s abilities etc. So saying that everyone gets very less salary is injustice. So this problem should not be generalized. Most of us get a decent pay. On the other hand, companies should take care that at least talented people don’t feel underestimated/taken for granted.

So basically, problems are not as big as we make them and we cry about them in front of others and that’s causing the defect I am talking about.

Some of you may still not be convinced with my analysis for the cause of the problem. So now I am going for one of the most important thing that I have learned from being a software engineer and that thing is “Root Cause Analysis”. Yes, the analysis that we do for defects so that they won’t repeat again; so that we can solve problem from root. And here, the root cause is, “We are not proud of being a Software Engineer”.

I will not apologize for what I have said right now but I am apologizing in advance for what I am going to say now because it may hurt sentiments of some people and that is, “I AM proud of being a Software Engineer”

In fact, I believe every one of us should be proud. We are the ones who have transformed some of the most tedious processes to very easy and quick ones, for example, railway ticket booking, internet banking, online shopping etc. We are the ones who have developed operating systems for very complex machines, like super computers, robots, spaceships etc. We are the ones who are providing exciting features to mobile users daily.

Yes, I am proud of being engineers because we are making life of people easier. Yes, I am proud because we are stopping corruption by converting manual systems to automated ones like passport issuing process etc.

We have all the capabilities to provide best processes to the world. I am connecting to the point from which I started; the PROCESS. We can make the best processes of the world.

Some of you might be thinking that I have not developed IRCTC or internet banking or operating systems or any process of stopping corruption then why should I be proud?

I have one question for you, are you proud of being Indian? If yes... why?
Do you have all those so called Indian qualities which are proud worthy? NO.

Then why are we proud of being Indian? Because that’s what connect us. If any Indian does something to be proud of, we feel proud. So why can’t we feel proud if any software engineer does something. We can and we should. Because that’s what connect us.
We are the best brains and we should be proud of that. We should present that picture to the world that we deserve. We deserve to be seen with proud and respect because WE ARE THE BEST BRAINS OF THE WORLD.


-  Avinash Tiwari 

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