

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Energy concept of God


The article presented here is regarded as “a scientific proof of god” by the author. It is based on an interesting concept of “Fact + Fiction” which involves relating known facts with our imagination. The same concept has been a source of discovery of many new concepts (especially in chemistry) for many years. It is strictly recommended to the readers not to have any disturbance while reading it, as it requires a lot of concentration and imagination to clearly understand the concept. Finally, it is necessary to state that the article belongs wholly to the author and his imagination. Its acceptance or rejection is completely on readers. Hence, objections are not allowed but suggestions and comments are hoped.

-Avinash Tiwari


Long ago… that is about million and billion years ago; the whole of the universe was concentrated to a point mass. Some internal changes occurred in the structure of that mass and an explosion took place and our universe got created. In that vast universe; there was a small fire ball which got cooled with time and formed a spherical mass, called earth. Due to some chemical reaction between methane coming out of earth’s core and the nitrogen of atmosphere along with other supporting elements, under suitable pressure and temperature… first molecule of life was created. This was the scientific story of creation of life. According to Darwin, all species including human beings have originated from that first molecule of life. But our mythologies say that this world is created by god (like Brahmdev and other gods) who created first living creature from their own soul.

There are a large number of such kinds of people who believe on mythologies for such things. They are called as religious (sometimes orthodox) by other people. They have complete faith in god. They say that god is everywhere. God is omnipresent, he is omnipotent. He is present everywhere in different faces, in different forms. He is also present inside me and you. God is that power which cannot be created which cannot be destroyed. God is the supreme spirit (param-aatma). Even a leaf cannot move without his permission.

There are some other persons who believe on scientific theories about the creation of life. They think that the god is nothing but a mere belief of people. They think about religious people as narrow minded persons.

In addition to these two, there is a third category of people which believe on the presence of god but do not believe blindly on mythological stories. The number of such people is increasing day by day.

After knowing the thoughts of the three kinds of people about god, the question to be answered is that, which is correct direction to follow? Which the correct way to go along? In my opinion the first type of people are concentrated inside themselves; they do not want to see the outside world. They are so called adhyatmic. The second type of people is only outside, they are not aware of inside world. The third type of people does not want to be involved in such debate and has accepted to go to a middle way. I think that the correct answer can be found out by keeping the views of religious people inside (adhyatm) and science (real world) outside us. So let’s try – “.................thinking……………………………………………………………………………………Energy!” “Yes, god is energy.”

Yes, energy is one which is present everywhere in one or the other form and is also indestructible. “Energy can neither be created nor can be destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another” [Reference: Law of conservation of energy]. It is energy without which even a leaf cannot move. It is energy which is surely present inside us and is responsible for our each & every movement.

This thought may lead to another important result that spirit or soul (atma) is also a form of energy. Spirit (atma) is a small amount of energy and god (called paramatma in Hindu mythology) is the huge amount of energy present around. When a person dies, it is said that his soul mixes with god [“atma paramatma mein leen ho jati hai”]. It is natural that the energy present inside the person in the form of soul goes out and mixes with surrounding energy. It is experimentally observed that when a person dies some weight loss occurs and this experiment proved that something (soul) has gone out and thereby proved the presence of soul. This weight loss may be due conversion of mass into energy. [Reference: Einstein’s mass-energy equation, E = mc2].

The phenomenon of spirits has been fascinating for years for both scientists and common people. Some people said that they have seen ghosts (spirits of dead people). Some cases of rebirth have also been observed and it is said that in these cases the soul of person remain same in both of his births. Bhagwat Geeta also says that soul is immortal, only body dies not the soul (atma amar hai, jo mara hai wo phir janam lega). Now the question arises how these things are possible about spirit, soul or energy?

Consider the situation that exits in a floppy disk. There is a combined electric and magnetic field which does the work of storing required information. There is a same kind of field in an atom. Electrons revolving around nucleus impart electric field while spin motion of electrons forms magnetic field. Hence, an atom is capable of storing, not much, but a little bit of information. Hence when a person dies, the information stored in his mind goes out along with the spirit (energy). The reach and effect of this information are very great. This information may get stored in the atoms around the place or it may also travel to a place where a baby is born and may get entrapped in his delicate mind which can catch any information knocking it. Hence, rebirth occurs. Further, ghosts are seen by the people at the place where the corresponding person has died and these are generally seen by those who knows about the presence of ghost at the place or those who are afraid of ghosts or those who have some close relation with the dead person. This incident is closely related to resonance (Resonance, in short, is the situation when two frequencies matches and tuning occurs, as in a radio). The person who sees a ghost will surely have any kind of reference for the dead person so that the atmosphere around the place shows him whatever he wants to see. The discussion shows that the sight of ghost is just a chemical imbalance (called as chemical locha in lage raho munnabhai).

After this long discussion one may also think that if god is only energy then what is the need to pray god? & why should we go to a temple? When a child is born, a particular field of energy created by position of different astrological elements like planets etc. becomes an integral part of him for whole life (in the form of horoscope). The interaction of that energy and energy around the person governs the fate of a person (studied under astronomy). The prayer of god is actually an approach towards maintaining a safe interaction between these two energies. The prayer of god in temples is suggested because a temple’s atmosphere is filled with positive thoughts which ensure a better result of prayer.

Finally, it could be and it should be concluded that the presence of god is certain. But god is not the same as told by those orthodox people who says widow remarriage is a sin and would be punished by god, who says that even a potato showing trunk should be prayed, who said that kurbani(act of killing animals to show devotion to god ) is a way to make god happy. God is not that which comes inside body of some people and others began to pray them. God is a scientific fact. It has created us and is still guarding and guiding us. The sun in the sky is nothing but a real god for us as it is the main source of energy for earth and I hope that it will be there forever for us.

-Avinash Tiwari